A Wonderful Car Crash!

Would you think of describing your conversion to Christ as “a wonderful car crash?” It is true that some conversions are quiet and gradual. You don’t know the time of your spiritual birth; you just know you’re alive! That’s what counts. But others experience a more definite, sometimes dramatic, conversion. In my last blog I told you about Louise coming to Jesus after twenty-five years of prayer. Here’s a bit of her story:

“I left the (morning) service in a daze. Something was happening to me. I was elated, excited, joyous. I told Tim I had found a great church, and went back for the evening service. As soon as it started, I realised that all the hymns we were singing, all the words being spoken, all the Bible passages being read, were all speaking to me loud and clear. It was as if I had previously witnessed all church related things in Russian! Every question I thought was being answered, specifically, by the Pastor almost immediately, and I was overwhelmed, and then I began to weep and weep, and I was filled with the Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord. I wept that Jesus has been quietly tapping me on the shoulder all these years, and I never turned to greet him. I was ashamed, and joyous, and a million things all at once, including embarrassed, as I am not one for being openly emotional, and I found it excruciating! When the penny drops, and you let the Lord in, the power of the Holy Spirit taking up residence is something akin to a wonderful car crash!”

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17)