Knowing Jesus

Dr Gerhard Venter

I have just come back from a trip to Israel and I am more grateful than ever that I know Jesus as my personal Saviour and Lord! I am saying this for several reasons:



  1. I have once again been impressed by the fact that Jesus, the Son of God, came to a dirty world to live as a human being and die on a cross. All of this become real when you realise there was a specific geographical place and a real ethnic community to which the third Person of the Trinity was willing to come in order to identify himself with us. I mean, the Jordan River is nothing more than a dirty little stream the size of our Wilger Rivier in die Vrystaat! Just think about it: God dirtied himself for my sake to save me and adopt me into his family.
  2. I have seen the legalistic side of Judaism being played out in real life. It is sad to see people attempting to keep every little law and rule in the hope that they will satisfy God’s requirements. I am grateful for the freedom I have in Christ.
  3. The way some people in the Christian tradition come close to worshipping icons, rocks and images struck me anew. I am grateful that my relationship with God does not depend on a pilgrimage, a visit to a specific site or going through some ritual in order to be saved. I can be right here in Joburg and enjoy the most wonderful privilege of direct access to the throne of the Almighty through Jesus Christ.

Aren’t you glad you know Jesus?