
Allen Godard from “A Rocha” spoke at a Rosebank Bible College Saturday School last weekend. On his way to RUC he saw some newspaper headlines saying “Gautol – how much you will pay”. However, what he thought he saw was “Gatvol – how much you will pay”! We had a good laugh when he told us. Nothing like a good Afrikaans expression that says it like it is! Although there are more acceptable Afrikaans expressions , just as good, such as “keelvol” or “dik-vir-hierdie-ding”, to mention a few.

This made me think…

How do we as Christians respond to the many challenges we face in our world of economics, politics and other issues? I read the responses on to the announcement that we are going to pay 66c per kilometre (“before discounts”) to use the new road system in Gauteng. There was anger, ridicule, disgust, blaming the ANC government and one person even suggesting toyi-toying and breaking down the gantries (the toll-gate-camera-things over the freeway).

There is no doubt that the matter will evoke further responses, reactions and threats. But perhaps the Christian thing to do is to accept the fact that the building and upkeep of roads costs a huge amount and that the authorities have the right to collect some money (within reason) from those who use the road. There is, of course, nothing wrong in Christians adding their voices to those who object to the system, but to do so in a reasonable, legal and civilised way. And then, for me, there is nothing that prevents me from avoiding the toll roads if I can when I have to go to Pretoria or the East Rand. I’d have to look for the alternative roads.

Some people do seem to be Gautvol. But there’s nothing preventing you from moving to Cape Town!