Liquorice Allsorts… and A Trip to Israel

I love Liquorice Allsorts  (mmmmmmmm!) I like the colours, variety, shapes, sizes and, of course, the taste. And it’s the sweets (candy) variety I am talking about. But having just returned from a trip to Israel and Istanbul I was struck once again by the allsorts of a religious variety you find on a tour like this.

AllsortsIn Israel you find Arab Israelis, Jews, religious Jews, secular Jews, atheist Jews, sommer just Israelis of different backgrounds, and even Afrikaners from South Africa who have adopted Judaism and are fighting with the Israelis against the Palestinians. As my children say, “O my word!!! What next?”

We also found many the Muslims – both in Israel, in Jerusalem, in the West Bank (occupied, but “independent” territory within the larger Israel) and LOTS of them in Istanbul. I mean, Turkey is more than 95% Muslim, representing both secular and religious Muslims, whatever that means!

And then there were the pilgrims to Israel, including ourselves. But they come in a variety of shapes, colours, smells and sizes, I tell you! The well-known Christian sites are seen by many of these people from different Christian traditions as “holy”, with quite a bit of near-worship of a stone, an icon, a mosaic picture or a venue taking place.

Allsorts for sure!

But the experience made me appreciate my Bible and the true faith in God through Jesus Christ afresh. The fact that I can worship God in spirit and truth wherever I am, through the atoning death of our Lord Jesus Christ. I don’t need an icon, picture or pilgrimage in order to know God personally and intimately. I can talk to God anytime, live for Him anywhere and serve Him with all my heart right here where I am. And I can join people like you this coming Sunday to joyfully give praise to God in simplicity and sincerity.

Hey, I still like Liquorice Allsorts – but only of the sweets variety. I have also learned not to judge those religious sorts I observed, but I do pray that they would meet my Jesus as their Lord and Saviour in an intimate and personal relationship with God!