It Only Takes ONE!

Leigh RobinsonNext to Billy Graham, D. L. Moody is probably the most famous evangelist America has produced. He was instrumental in tens of thousands of people coming to know Jesus in both America and Britain. Many people have heard the name of D. L. Moody, and today the famous Moody Bible Institute in Chicago and Moody Press Publishers bear on-going witness to the effectiveness of his ministry. Most people have never heard the name of Edward Kimball. He was Moody’s Sunday School teacher when he was a boy. One day he visited Moody and after sharing the gospel with him led him to Jesus. I bet he never dreamed that his witness to that one little boy would have the impact for eternity that it did. 

We’ve all heard of Stephen Lungu. He’s the Director of Africa Enterprise and has a worldwide ministry through his preaching and writing (his autobiography Out of the Black Shadows is being made into a movie) but none of us knows the name of the young woman whose testimony God used to capture Stephen’s heart as he sat in the back of the tent meeting in Harare waiting to firebomb the event. Yet God used her to change the life of a young man he had chosen to use mightily.

Yes, it only takes one.

Stephen Lungu will be preaching at RUC this Sunday (8am, 10am, and 6.30pm).

Invite someone you know to come with you to hear him! Who knows what God might have in mind for that one.