SGM Feedback
Feedback from the Special General Meeting
Feedback from the Special General Meeting
Thank you to all the members who joined us at the SGM on Wednesday 13th November – we had a record attendance and the church members ultimately agreed on four important decisions affecting the church for 2020 and beyond:
After some discussion and clarification, the election of elders and deacons was suspended with the decision that we need to follow the normal process up until the time when the rules may be amended by the members.
The 2020 Budget was approved with thanks to God for his ongoing provision through our members. Many thanks to Ian Laxton (our outgoing treasurer) and to the Finance Committee, Remuneration Committee and Deacons for their financial oversight on behalf of the church.
It is with a sense of joy and anticipation that we inform you that Richard van Lieshout received over 90% yes votes from the members present at the SGM and he will therefore be called as the new Senior Pastor of RUC from early 2020. Many thanks to the Call Committee for their long and faithful search.
While no decision was required, we also had feedback on the recent diversity survey which yielded the encouraging results that 87% of the congregation who responded are in full support of initiatives to help grow the racial inclusivity of our church. The Diversity Working Group will continue to serve the church in making recommendations to the leadership based on the research findings.
Thanks was expressed by the members to the Church Council, the Diversity Working Group, the staff, and particularly to the Pastoral team for their diligent service to the church during this transitional period.
We’re looking forward to an exciting 2020!