News and Announcements from the Children’s Ministry

Our Kids Ministry will be closing for the Christmas break, and here is all you need to know:

24 November: 

Bible Adventure Club, Explorers, Squad 1:16 as usual

(Final Squad 1:16 Friday on 22 November)


1 December: 

Bible Adventure Club: Runs as usual

Explorers: In the auditorium for worship, then at the XChange for the rest of the service

Squad 1:16: In the auditorium for the duration of the service

**We encourage families to attend the Carol’s Service at 5pm and intentionally invite friends 


8 December & 15 December: 

Holiday Sunday:

  • Bible Adventure Club play under the care of childminders downstairs in the XChange for the duration of the service
  • Explorers in the auditorium for worship, then head to the XChange for a video
  • Squad 1:16 join in the auditorium for the duration of the service


22, 25 (Christmas) & 29 December: 

Family Sunday: All kids join in the auditorium for the worship service


5 January: 

Holiday Sunday:

  • Bible Adventure Club play under the care of childminders downstairs in the XChange for the duration of the service
  • Explorers in the auditorium for worship, then head to the XChange for a video
  • Squad 1:16 join in the auditorium for the duration of the service


12 January: 

RUC Kids for all age groups re-opens for 2025 during the 10am service.


Please let us know if you have any questions.

May God prepare our hearts as we enter the Christmas season so that our focus and joy will be set on Jesus!

God Gives us Everything We Need

We are excited to kick off Children’s Ministry for 2021 this Sunday! We have a few new and exciting things lined up.

2-5 year olds:

From this Sunday there will be a Bible Adventure Club video for all our pre-school children, featuring some brand new characters. Find the video every Sunday morning on our YouTube Channel.

We’re starting with a three-week series, God cares, where we’ll look at three people in the Old Testament that God looked after. We’ll learn how God always looks after us.

Keep an eye on our Facebook Page for more info, or join our WhatsApp Group.

Grade 0-7s:

We’re excited for Kids Church Online to start again – version 3.0! We’ll be following the sermon series to help parents/carers and children engage with each week’s teaching together. Our series is called Cross trainers – how to train your spirit to stand firm in God’s truth. Find the video every Sunday morning on our YouTube Channel.

Keep an eye on our Facebook Page for more info, or join our WhatsApp Group.

For more information, please feel free to contact Ansuné