Matthew’s account of the gospel is the first book in the New Testament and was one of the most popular books in the early church. It gives us a clear and thorough account of who Jesus is and what he accomplished through his life, death, and resurrection.
At the heart of Matthew’s account is the identification of Jesus Christ as the true King of the universe who ushers in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew’s Gospel also gives us a clear picture of discipleship, with all of Jesus’ radical demands on his followers amid a hostile world.
Part 4
Part 36 – The Death of John the Baptist
Part 37 – Compassion & Calm
Part 38 – The Heart is a Sewer
Part 39 – The Wonder of His Mercy
Part 40 – Be Warned
Part 41 – I Will Build My Church
Part 42 – The Cross Before the Crown
Part 43 – Unveiling the Son of God
Part 44 – A Faithless & Twisted Generation
Part 45 – True Greatness
Part 46 – When Sheep Act Like Shepherds
Part 47 – Forgiving From the Heart Without Limits
Part 48 – Marriage, Singleness & The Pursuit of the Kingdom
Part 49 – What Do I Lack?
Part 50 – The Beauty of Grace
Part 51 – The Upside-Down Kingdom
Part 52 – Who Is This?
Part 5
Part 53 – The Essence of Discipleship
Jesus enters Jerusalem and the temple to be met by another in an escalating set of encounters with the religious leadership, this interaction centers around a tricky debate surrounding the authority by which all the involved parties, and John the Baptist, teach. Followed by a brief parable from Jesus to drive home his point.
Part 54 – The Great Invitation
In this sermon, Richard discusses two parables from Matthew 21 & 22, focusing on the Vineyard metaphor and the religious leaders’ rebellion against God’s authority. We are reminded how the owner’s care for the Vineyard symbolizes God’s love and protection for His people. We also see how the invitation to the wedding feast signifies God’s grace extended to all, regardless of status. We are also warned about the consequences of rejecting God’s invitation and the need for genuine repentance.
Part 55 – Show Me The Money
Richard dives into an interaction that occurs between Jesus and the pharisees surrounding the topic of taxes while looking at the significance in both a historical and modern day context.
Part 56 – Jesus: 3 | Religious Leaders: 0
As tensions continue to rise between Christ and the pharisees another confrontation occurs, Brett breaks down this latest meeting for us and highlights that at the end of it all, the key is love.
Part 57 – Jesus Questions Religious Leaders
In a final attempt from the pharisees to ensare Jesus in His words there is a debate around the Godhood of Christ which is conclusively answered when Jesus references the Psalms, Justin then continues to explore as Jesus teaches on hypocrisy and its pitfalls.
Part 58 – Woe & Beware
In a set of scathing remarks that mark a direct opposite to the earlier beatitudes Jesus highlights the folly and danger of hypocrisy and some of the ways in which it is on display from the religious leaders of the period, it acts as a stern warning for our lives while additionally setting the stage for the pharisees plot to whip the Jewish people into a mob calling for the crucifixion of Christ.
Part 59 – Love for the Hardest of Hearts
As Jesus closes out the woe oracles He aims straight for the heart, particularly the hard ones, and while critical of their posture He continues to offer hope and love even amidst the unbelief and anger.
Part 60 – Proclamation Amidst Tribulation
Christ offers a stark warning over the trials that believers will face as the end times draw near and advises the disciples as well as other believers on how they should act to avoid falling prey to the enemy’s efforts to draw believers astray.
Part 61 – Events Surrounding the End Pt. 1
Richard dives into the intricacies of Jesus’ teachings on end times, the abomination of desolation and all the associated carnage, in it we look at how we can expect it to play out but far more importantly, what we as believers should be doing, both during those times and in anticipation of them.
Part 62 – Events Surrounding the End Pt. 2
Richard continues to dive into the intricacies of Jesus’ teachings on end times, the abomination of desolation and all the associated carnage, in it we look at how we can expect it to play out but far more importantly, what we as believers should be doing, both during those times and in anticipation of them.
Part 63 – Ready or Not, Here I Come
Zwai discusses how we are to remain wise and vigilant as we stay in anticipation of the coming of Christ. Though none but the Father know the time, however, to live wisely we are to live always as if everything were our last chance, both for ourselves and those whose lives we touch.
Part 64 – Watchful Waiting
Richard delves into another parable as Jesus teaches on how we are to steward our talents as faithful servants. He looks into what talents are in our own lives as well as how we are to make use of them to fall into the joy of the master.
Part 65 – Judgement Day
Richard looks at Christ’s description of judgement day as He calls all that have lived before Him and separates them into two groups, those that would serve Him and those that would have nothing to do with Him, and gives them their wish. Richard also speaks on how we are to live out the fruits of our faith should we desire to serve Christ with our lives.
Part 66 – Preparation of the Death of Christ
Justin leads an expository teaching as Christ and the disciples enter into the events of Holy Week, beginning with the Passover Supper preparation. We take a look at how those around Christ react to the little time that there is left of His time on earth, as well as how Christ chooses to use it.
Part 67 – Drink This Cup | Nat Schluter
Nat joins us from JBC on the partner Sunday to preach in the morning services. Nat leads us through the center of Matthew 26 as Jesus is betrayed by His own disciples and arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane. Nat looks at how Christ was betrayed by more than just Judas on that fateful and difficult night.
Part 67 – Journey To The Cross | Brighton Phiri
Brighton joins us from JBC on the partner Sunday to preach in the evening service. Brighton leads us through the center of Matthew 26 as Jesus is betrayed by His own disciples and arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane. Brighton looks at how Christ was betrayed by more than just Judas on that fateful and difficult night.
Part 68 – Silent as He Stood Accused
As Christ is put on trial before the Sanhedrin, we observe Peter’s struggles to maintain the promises he made only a short while earlier. Additionally, there is a symmetry that arises between the accusations of the high priest with the claims Peter made in chapter 16. Richard explores these things as well as how we will answer the only question that matters when the day to answer it arrives.
Part 69 – A Tale of Two Betrayer-Traitors
Pastor Ndaba digs into the betrayals that arise in the period between the arrest of Christ and His trial before Pontius Pilate, all from those closest to Him. Pastor Ndaba also explores how we should live our lives to steer clear of becoming guilty of betraying Christ.
Part 70 – His Blood Be Upon Us
Richard explores the story and characters involved as Pilate hands Christ to the crowd, a crowd that was sympathetic to and riled up by the religious leaders that sought to have Christ condemned to death.
Part 71 – Jesus Forsaken, We Are Forgiven
Brett delves into the incredibly brutal and painful suffering and death that was suffered by Christ on the cross, as well as why all the pain of the how pales into insignificance next to the why behind Christ’s death. A death brought about purely from love for each of us and an overwhelming desire to draw each of us into a personal and everlasting relationship with Him.
Part 72 – The Burial & Resurrection of Christ
Justin launches an in-depth exploration into one of the pinnacle tenets of the Christian faith, the fact that Christ was resurrected and the evidence that stands for its occurence as well as the implications that those facts and assertions carry 2000 years after the fact.