Celebrating the
500th Anniversary of the Reformation
31st October 2017 marks five hundred years since Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the All Saints’ Church in Wittenberg, Germany. Luther’s theses called for the reform of the church and served as the catalyst for the Protestant Reformation. Its impact is still felt today.
For six weeks (from 8 October to 12 November), our services will be built around a teaching series on the five “Solas” of the Reformation. These are the core truths that define our faith. Join us as we celebrate the Reformation!
Series Outline
8 October 2017
“LUTHER” – Meet Martin Luther, the Great Reformer
15 October 2017
SOLA SCRIPTURA – Scripture Alone
22 October 2017
SOLA GRATIA – Grace Alone
29 October 2017
SOLA FIDE – Faith Alone
5 November 2017
12 November 2017