Dear Church Members,
At the church services on 9th February 2020, an update on the structure review process being undertaken by the Church Council was provided to members, including an overview of the key principles of the proposed changes. Written communication with further details in this respect was also provided to members (see Principles Guiding Structure Change).
We’d like to thank you for the wise and constructive feedback that we’ve received from many of you. It has enriched the process and has contributed to a structure that we believe will serve the Church well going into the future.
Following from the above, a document setting out the proposed governance structure has been attached (see Structure Change Proposal). At the AGM on the 18th March 2020, the members will be asked to vote on whether to adopt this document as the basis for the new structure, after which the necessary rule and constitution changes will be prepared for approval by the members (at a subsequent general meeting).
Given that the document sets out the proposed structure and the rationale in detail, an executive summary has also been provided (see Executive Summary).
In the lead up to the AGM, we as the Church Council would like to ask you to:
- Prayerfully consider the proposed structure as set out in the document; and
- Provide us with your comments and feedback, either via email (, through discussion with any of the Structure Review Committee members or via one of the Q&A forums that have been planned.