For more than seven years now I have had the privilege of being part of the Rosebank Union Church pastoral team and staff. Even more, being part of the body of Christ gathered here at the corner of William Nicol and St. Andrews Drive and scattered all over the city and beyond. As I reflect in my beautiful office, made available to me by God and His people, I again realise – Lord you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance! Psalm 16: 5-6. This place of prayer, worship, fellowship, good news – God gave! I cannot take it for granted! I daily receive God’s undeserved favour.
Rosebank Union Church is a Bible believing Church! The proof of the pudding is in the eating! Week after week the Word of God is preached from the Bible! I am blessed to hear the Good News in the sanctuary! I am blessed to hear – we preach Christ and Him crucified! Recently I have been blessed to closely follow the historical accounts of Jesus life and ministry through the gospel of John as the Bread of Life is broken to me.
Some time ago I was challenged by Dr. Willem Nicol in his book – “n Dieper Dors.” He gives a potent challenge from the gospel of John to followers of Jesus for a deeper thirst after Him. I believe for me it was not by chance that Leigh, our senior pastor, as he expounded the gospel of John, reaffirmed a challenge to me – moving to the right – moving closer and closer to Jesus my Lord! I need time with Jesus, I need change by Jesus, I need to die daily to become more like His follower! John 12:24 – “I tell you the truth, unless an ear of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” Not that I have obtained it – but I need to press on towards that goal!
Lots of love
Your pastor and friend.
Dennis Beeselaar