Thailand was a lot of things and exciting was certainly among those.
One thing that certainly comes straight to mind when I reflect on the journey is certainly our time with Iven and Kashmira (Missionaries with YWAM). Their life challenged me in the area of letting Go for Christ’s sake. Looking at their living situation and the intensity of their area of ministry totally challenged me to look at my own life and review how much letting go I had done and what other things I am still holding on to and not willing to let go of, even for the sake of Christ. When Iven shared or rather reminded us of how the Gospel is such a treasure that a man found on a eld and went and sold everything to acquire that treasure, I saw the verse in a different light, in a way that actually meant LET GO.
Being in a country that was dominantly Buddhist, God opened my eyes to the reality of idol worship and how for the Thai people, that’s the only hope they have. It certainly broke my heart to learn about their belief on incarnation and how they settle for a life of hopelessness because that’s all they know.
Prior to leaving I asked God to show me that he was the same God even in Thailand. Partnering with the church in Thailand and seeing how they were a family was a reminder of how God really calls us to a new family once we come to him, that reminded me of my own community back home and how much of a family we have been. Seeing Sylvio and Marcia still labouring for Christ in their small congregation today,even after the many years they have been with the church was a reminder that the very Gospel that we so believed to even decide on going to Thailand is the very Gospel that has kept them and the very one they’re sharing with the Thai people.
Learning about the Thai culture was also very exciting. One highlight was learning about how much of a big deal their king is to them for having been such a great king to them for such a long time. The food was delicious as well, it really isn’t over rated. Thai people really are calm and welcoming people, that really made the stay very pleasant. It was quite an encouragement to hear that our presence and all that we did meant a lot to the local pastor Changchai. He saw God move among their communities through all that we did and that in itself was enough to say the trip was worthwhile. Spending time with Mandisa was really sweet, really also encouraging to get to see where she works and lives and seeing how much of an impact her work has made within OMF.
Lastly I haven’t spoken until I say how much of a joy the team has been, learning about our different life stories and seeing how God brought all of us together was really great.