Tag Archive for: Weekend Getaway

First and foremost I would like to thank the church for the bursary. It may seem small but to a student budget it’s a huge sacrifice. The serving team were on point. You could see that a lot of time, money and effort was put in the preparation and throughout the camp. I’m really grateful for you guys.

The Weekend Getaway…I’ve got so much to say and I hope I can fit it all in a paragraph. Let’s do this.

I’ve learned that RUC is not a building but it’s a church. If I attend RUC every Sunday but not engage (particularly non-sunday engagements) the people then I don’t know the church. The people make the church and not the beautiful building. Jesus Christ died for the church and not the building. The weekend getaway was a great tool for me to engage the church. I was well aware of the clicks that are particularly dominated by the youth. I knew that was going to be a challenge in the camp particularly for new people to be part of the community. I mean I’ve been attending RUC since February 2012 and I’m only getting to know RUC (particularly young) now in 2014. In the words of my favourite men, Leigh:

Dream big, start small and go deep.

My dream has been to build solid relationships with the church. I have started small by getting to know people after the service. The Getaway was a great place to go deep. I was blown away by what I saw. I just saw John 12:24 working. The way the youth was dying to self from hanging out with the people they knew to hang out with new people (or non-cliques) which lead to bearing of so much fruits (relationships). I’ve met some cool solid guys and girls. Tim once was shared with me this a while back:”Who is responsible? I’m responsible”. What was cultivated from the camp I want to continue cultivating not only at the cnr William Nicol and St Andrews but also where I live, work and play…because I’m responsible.


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The date is the 24th of August 2013 and it was time for the Harito family to go boldly where no Harito has gone before….camp….not just any camp- a church camp. Now for most of you that must sound incredible but for me who doesn’t camp and my husband who was raised as a Greek orthodox a church camp was certainly not on the cards ( I mean who would look after the cafe if they all camped).

Needless to say my brother, Wayne Vanderwagen, organised the camp and I was desperate for a meeting with God. I must also add that I really wanted to get God’s grace- a sermon by Louie Giglio led me to this: I know I have God’s grace but I needed to get it ( this is profound- I promise so keep reading). So off we went with our 7 month old daughter (crazy I know) to the YFC centre not knowing what to expect.

Let me just say it was nothing I expected it was so much more. I met the most incredible people. In fact my husband and I (talking out the corner of our mouths as one does to try not look conspicuous) said, “everyone is so inclusive” and “they treat us like we one of them”. And from the Greek orthodox, “these people are so normal”, a look of relief rushing over his face.

Everyone meeting for the same purpose. My brother’s words echo in my mind , “Jeanne we all have one thing in common- a deep love for God”. Profound.

Nat….amazing…True greatness wears an apron. No really, he wore an apron. Nat showed me a side of Jesus I had never thought of before. I’ll say it again True greatness wears an apron. Even more profound.

Never did I ever imagine having my husband run up to me dripping with sweat, a smile reminiscent of childhood, in gasps saying “Babe. I’m. Having. The. Time of. My life.” And he wasn’t even breaking plates! Profounder than found…you get where I am going.

The weekend did not even end there. It had only begun. A talent show (my daughters big debut as a bird-God has big plans for that one I tell you! ), dancing nuns, talented children and dancers, singers and a skit about a lost soul named Edgar.

But what got me was Sunday’s communion. People were sobbing at the story of the cross. Wow these people really do love God I thought. But then I got it…remember I said I wanted to get it what I had already gotten??? Grace- John 3:16…that’s how much I am loved???? Profound!

So not only did we camp…with a church…my daughter wore a bird, my husband wore a black swan…and me…I got Grace.